How to Store and Preserve Your Waders?

Written by: Steve Shi



Time to read 4 min

Waders are an essential piece of gear for anglers, hunters, and outdoor enthusiasts who frequently traverse wet environments. These waterproof overalls or boots allow you to stay dry while wading through streams, marshes, or other aquatic habitats. However, high-quality waders can be a significant investment, and proper care is crucial to ensure their longevity and performance.

Storing and preserving your waders correctly not only extends their lifespan but also maintains their waterproofing capabilities, ensuring you stay dry and comfortable during your outdoor adventures. Improper storage can lead to issues such as mold growth, material degradation, and compromised waterproofing—problems that can turn an exciting day outdoors into a miserable, soggy experience.

Cleaning the wader

Proper cleaning is the first crucial step in storing and preserving your waders. This process helps maintain their integrity and extends their lifespan.

  1. Rinse thoroughly: After each use, rinse your waders thoroughly with clean, fresh water. This step is essential even if you've only worn them in clean water, as it helps remove any unseen residues or contaminants.
  2. Remove dirt and debris: Use a soft brush or cloth to gently scrub away any visible dirt, mud, or debris. Pay special attention to seams, folds, and boot areas where grime tends to accumulate.
  3. Use mild soap if necessary: For stubborn stains or after use in particularly dirty conditions, use a mild, unscented soap specifically designed for outdoor gear. Avoid harsh detergents or chemicals that could damage the wader material. Apply the soap gently, focusing on soiled areas, then rinse thoroughly until all soap residue is gone.
person holding brown soap

Drying the wader

Proper drying is crucial to prevent mold, mildew, and unpleasant odors, as well as to maintain the integrity of the wader material.

  1. Air dry completely: After cleaning, hang your waders in a well-ventilated area to air dry. Ensure they are completely dry inside and out before storing. This process may take several hours or even a full day, depending on humidity levels.
  2. Avoid direct sunlight: While drying, keep your waders out of direct sunlight. UV rays can degrade the material over time, causing it to become brittle or lose its waterproofing properties.
  3. Use fan or dehumidifier if needed: In humid environments, you may need to use a fan or dehumidifier to speed up the drying process. This can help prevent the growth of mold and mildew, especially in hard-to-dry areas like boot sections.

Where to store your wader?

Choosing the right storage location is crucial for maintaining the quality of your waders over time.

  • Cool, dry place: Store your waders in a cool, dry area of your home or garage. Avoid damp basements or humid attics, as these environments can promote mold growth and material degradation.
  • Away from direct sunlight: Even when stored, keep your waders away from windows or areas with direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to UV rays can weaken the material and compromise its waterproofing properties.
  • Avoid extreme temperatures: Don't store waders in areas subject to extreme heat or cold. High temperatures can cause the material to break down, while freezing temperatures might make the material brittle.

Storage Position

How you position your waders during storage can affect their shape and longevity.

  1. Hang upside down: The best way to store waders is by hanging them upside down. This method helps maintain their shape and prevents creasing.
  2. Use wide hangers to maintain shape: Use wide, padded hangers or specially designed wader hangers to support the weight of the waders without causing stress to any particular area.
  3. Avoid folding or creasing: Never fold your waders for long-term storage, as this can create permanent creases that may lead to leaks. If you must fold them for short-term transport, try to minimize creasing and unfold them as soon as possible.

Additional Protection

These extra steps can provide further protection for your waders during storage.

  1. Use breathable storage bags: Consider using breathable storage bags designed for waders. These bags protect against dust while allowing air circulation to prevent moisture buildup.
  2. Add cedar blocks to deter insects: Place cedar blocks or balls near your stored waders. Cedar naturally repels moths and other insects that might damage the material.

Regular Maintenance Tips

Even when in storage, your waders require periodic attention to ensure they remain in good condition.

  • Inspect periodically: Every few months, take your waders out of storage and inspect them thoroughly. Look for any signs of damage, deterioration, or mold growth.
  • Air out occasionally: Even if you're not using them, air out your waders periodically. This helps prevent musty odors and allows any trapped moisture to evaporate.

What Not to Do

Avoiding these common mistakes will help prolong the life of your waders:

  • Never use a dryer or heat source to dry: High heat can damage the material and adhesives used in waders. Always air dry at room temperature.
  • Don't store in airtight containers: While it might seem logical to seal waders away from the elements, airtight containers can trap moisture and promote mold growth. Always use breathable storage options.
  • Avoid storing with heavy items on top: Placing heavy objects on stored waders can create permanent creases or damage the material. Always hang them or store them where they won't be compressed.

By following these guidelines, you can significantly extend the life of your waders, ensuring they remain functional and comfortable for many fishing or hunting seasons to come. Remember, proper care and storage are key to protecting your investment in quality outdoor gear.


author: Steve Shi

Steve Shi

Steve Shi is a professional writer for TideWe. With years of experience in hunting, he has unique insights and suggestions for outdoor activity. Sharing his passion for hunting to help those who love hunting makes Steve happy.


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