
How to Claim

1. Browse qualifying items and add 1 to your cart.
2. Select a benefit item and add it to your cart.
3. Enter code: BOGO at checkout to redeem your free gift.



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How does the BOGO offer work?

Add 1 qualifying item and 1 benefit item to your cart. Then use code BOGO at checkout to redeem your free item.

Can I choose any item as my free gift?

Gifts are available from the "Benefit Items" section. Please browse this section to make your selection.

Do I need to add both items to my cart?

Yes, to claim the offer, both the qualifying item and your selected benefit item must be added to your cart.

Can I use the BOGO code multiple times?

The code can be used once per order, but you can include multiple products in a single order. For every qualifying item you purchase, you’re eligible to receive one free benefit item. Please note that benefit items won’t be added to your cart automatically—you’ll need to select and add them manually.

What happens if I return the qualifying item?

If you decide to return the qualifying item, the free benefit item should also be returned.
However, if you prefer to keep the benefit item, it will be treated as a purchase. Once we receive the return, we will refund the difference. The difference will be calculated as: Total order amount - the price of the benefit item as listed in your original order.

How long is this offer available?

This is a limited-time promotion, so we recommend shopping early to secure your free item.

Can I combine this offer with other discounts or promotions?

Unfortunately, this offer cannot be combined with other discounts or promotional codes, but it’s already a great deal!