Summer Tips for Archery Hunting Success
If you're a Whitetail Hunting addict like me, your obsession for these animals extends long beyond the end of the deer season in your area. Although Summer is right around the corner with Family Barbecues, Fishing and enjoying the warm, sunny weather - this is also a great time of year to get the work done that will help you have a more successful Deer Hunting Season come this fall. Let's jump right in and get started.
1. Check/Move your stand locations:
When using deer stands of any style, safety is critical. More hunters are killed annually by falls out of treestands than by any other accident in the field. Summer is a great time to make the rounds on your property and check all of your stands, straps, ladders, etc. to ensure that everything is in good, safe working condition for the upcoming Deer Season.
This is especially important when checking the ratchet straps used to hang your stands, although they might only be a year old - critters tend to chew on them and it can cause a dangerous situation.
This is also a great time to make those adjustments that you’ve had in mind based on the deer movement you saw last year or any recent scouting that you’ve done since the Deer Season ended. If you’re able to, moving and relocating stands during the Summer can limit the pressure on the area during the Fall.

2. Clear Trails, Walking Paths
Having solid entry and exit strategies on the land that you hunt is important. The way you enter and exit the property that you hunt can truly make or break your hunt. The Summer can be a great time to get out there and put some work in, whether it’s with hand tools or equipment. Doing this chore in the Summer will give your deer plenty of time to acclimate themselves to the new layout of the land, allowing you to be ready for them come Fall.

3. Inventory your Gear
We have all been there, it’s a couple of weeks before the opening weekend of deer season and you finally pull all of your gear out of storage. You quickly realize that you forgot you needed to order new broadheads, you ripped your Jacket last year and you could really use a New Gutting Knife. This is exactly why I take the time to pull my gear out sometime during the Summer months. By doing this, I am 100% sure that I have everything in my hunting arsenal ready to rock before Fall arrives and I am ready to get back into the woods.

4. Plan and Consider your Food Plots for Fall
Now is the time to talk with your friends, do the research and figure out what type of Food Plots you would like to establish Late Summer/Early Fall. Depending on the choices that you make, you may need to get moving pretty quickly as different food plot selections may require you to do some Soil Correction on your land to ensure optimal growing conditions. In any event, planning your food sources in advance is great because it allows you to ensure everything is prepared and it contributes to your overall hunting plan for the coming season as well.
5. Practice, Practice, Practice
When it comes to Archery Hunting, you can truly never have enough practice. Far too often I hear about hunters who don’t break out their bow until about one week before the season opens. They fling arrows for a couple of days and then head to the field in hopes of a chance at a Big Buck. Oddly enough these are also the hunters who tend to wound more animals rather than have a clean kill. Of course “Buck Fever” and nerves are a very real thing; however, practicing in the off season will allow you to become much more comfortable with shooting at an animal during the season.
There is plenty of time this Summer for days on the beach with the family, camping and mowing the lawn, but don’t forget to take a little bit of time out to focus on the upcoming season. Maintenance, Chores and future planning can often be the difference in having a successful Deer Season this coming fall or going home empty handed.
For all your hunting needs, be sure to check out Tidewe selection this fall!