Tips to Use a Grunt Call for Deer Hunting
If you hunt deer long enough, you will come across a time when you have a buck just out of range and would do anything to get him to come your way. As you sit and watch him slowly walk out of your life, you ask yourself, is there anything I could have done to change his direction to walk past my stand? You ponder whether those rattling antlers would have worked, what about that grunt tube in your pack, or some kind of deer scent. In the right case, any of the above can be just what's needed to bring him past your stand. Let's break down the top dos and don'ts when using a grunt call to change a buck's direction, bringing him past your stand.
Do's to Use a Grunt Call for Deer Hunting
1.Grunt to those out-of-range bucks
From mid-October to the end of the rut, a grunt tube can be your best friend. When you spot a buck far enough out of range that he can't see you, this is the perfect time to grunt. When doing this, let out a loud, sharp grunt, then pause. Watch for his reaction. If he doesn't react, hit the grunt tube again. Repeat this until he is out of range or he responds to your calls. As soon as he is headed your way, put the grunt tube away and pick up your bow. It won't be long.

2.Mimic a buck tending a doe.
During the peak of the rut, this can be a great way to draw in a buck. Sitting in a pinch point or funnel back in the cover can be the perfect setup. It is best to use this in conjunction with a can call or estrous doe call. Every 30 minutes or so, do a sequence of buck and doe calls. Start with 4 or 5 short, loud grunts followed by 2 doe bleats. Repeat this series 3 or 4 times, then stop. One word of advice: pick up your bow as soon as you're done because if a buck is near, he will surely be in to investigate.
3.Call often.
By this, I mean it's okay to blind grunt back in the cover. I like to call every hour or so. When doing this, I use short, loud grunts, 3 or 4 at a time. I will do this the first few hours of the morning and the last few hours of the evening. Just remember that most bucks will come in down range looking for the buck grunting, so anticipate this when using your grunt tube.
Don'ts to Use a Grunt Call for Deer Hunting
1.Blind call in the open
If you're going to blind call, make sure you are back on the cover. If you're sitting on a field edge or over a food plot, the last thing you want to do is call and have a buck to pinpoint your location. If a buck is close and he hears the call, the first thing he will do is look for the buck calling. If he is unable to locate the buck, there is a good chance he will get spooked and head in the other direction.
2.Don't call to a buck that is close.
If you have a buck within 100 yards of you, the last thing you want to do is grunt. The first reason is that it will give away your location. Bucks have a way of pinpointing where a sound comes from, so the last thing you want to do is have him spot you. Just like above, he will also look for another buck that is grunting. If he is unable to see a buck, he will more than likely head in the other direction.
3.Don't worry about grunting.
It's easy to wonder if you're grunting call for deer too much or if you sound like a buck. Most new buck calls sound as realistic as they can with minimal effort. Just remember to use it in a pattern like every 30 minutes, and as soon as your sequence is done, pick up your bow.